Tag: <span>bioreactor</span>

Viable cell density (VCD), the quantitative assessment of living cells, is commonly determined by laborious and inaccurate off-line cell counting methods. Single-function in situ probes have been developed using various technologies including optical density, radio frequency and dielectric permittivity. Optical density measurements predict total biomass but are sensitive to cell debris accumulation and inherent media turbidity. Near-infrared (NIR) has the advantage of being able to measure many key analytes in the cell culture simultaneously. NIR has been used to acquire real-time measurements of glucose, glutamine, glutamate, and media nutrients such as amino acids and metabolites (e.g., lactate and ammonia). NIR probes can be sterilized in place, and real-time measurements can be acquired throughout the mammalian cell culture processes…

Biologics Production

Mass transfer is one of the most crucial parameters during scale-up in cell culture, and may cause variations in specific yields. At the cellular level, all the cells require proper supplementation of essential nutrient sources: nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon. The ability of cells to grow, maintain viability, and provide high specific productivity depends on the proper distribution of these nutrients. The latter depends on proper mass transfer to supply oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen through agitation and aeration, along with other micronutrients…


In the last few years, we have seen many biotech products approved by FDA. These products have gained public awareness because of their ability to treat several debilitating diseases with very minimal side effects, and thereby impact the quality of life for many people. As a result, the biotech industry is constantly in the news for its successes and programs to develop new therapeutics for many unmet medical needs. Immunomedics, Inc., a New Jersey biotechnology company, recently completed an expansion project that included new bioreactor manufacturing suites and support laboratories. Building on the company’s existing headquarters site and fully integrating the new capacity into the existing operational facility, the project spanned two years and was completed in 2003…


Gene therapy is a promising medical technology that has the ability to treat inherited diseases. However, efficient and economical large-scale production of vectors is necessary to meet the potential patient demand. Several approaches have been evaluated for the mass production of retroviral vectors, including fixed-bed bioreactors, suspension cultures, and microcarrier cultures. In this article, we report on the use of a Cytopilot fluidized-bed bioreactor for the production of retroviral vectors from the human packaging cell line TEFLYRD…

Cell & Gene Therapy Viral Vectors

Neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis, along with injuries such as stroke affect millions of individuals worldwide and costs healthcare systems billions of dollars each year in North America alone. The diseases result from the death of specific cell types within the central nervous system. Current treatment efforts have focused primarily on alleviating symptoms using pharmaceuticals. However, recent advances in our understanding of these conditions, coupled with advances in biology, genomics, transplantation, and biochemical engineering are making cell therapy (the transplantation of viable cells to replace dead cells) more attractive as a potential avenue of treatment…

Biologics Production Cell & Gene Therapy

Single-use, disposable components offer many advantages in the manufacturing of biologics. They are clean and ready to use when supplied, which obviates the need for sterilization and decreases the requirement for services such as water for irrigation (WFI) systems and steam generators. Disposable components are not used for subsequent operations, eliminating the chance of cross contamination between process runs. Long lead times for equipment installation can be avoided because the need for stainless steel equipment is reduced or eliminated. Systems are less complex, therefore engineering requirements are also reduced. There is no need for clean-in-place (CIP) or steam-in-place (SIP) operations, along with the associated piping, valves, controls, or pressure rating of vessels. Moreover, the use of disposable components reduces the complexity of validation…

Biologics Production Manufacturing

Within the biopharmaceutical industry, mammalian cell culture is extensively used to manufacture a various biopharmaceutics uncluding antibodies, interferons, hormones, crythropoietin, clotting factors, immunoadhesins, and vaccines. The market for monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) alone is expected to grow 30% a year and reach sales of nearly $6.5 billion in 2004. The vast majority of these biotherapeutics are secreted glycoproteins obtained from mammalian cell lines such as: Chinese hamster ovary (CHO), human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK-293 or 293). NS0, and baby hamster kidney (BHK). As is the goal with most commercial products, biotechnologists strive to generate these valuable proteins in the highest yields possible in order to utilize mammalian bioreactor facilities efficiently…

Biologics Production

The biopharmaceutical manufacturing sector is rapidly gearing up production capacity to satisfy the steadily escalating global demand for complex biologics to combat a number of treatable illnesses. Frequently, the biotherapeutics in demand are too complicated to be chemically synthesized and thus are beyond the reach of traditional pharmaceutical approaches. To effectively address this issue, these products must be developed and produced using viable and robust biological systems…

Biologics Production Manufacturing

Xcyte Therapies has recently introduced a bioreactor-based process for the GMP manufacture of autologous activated T cells, Xcellerated T Cells™, for clinical trials. Using a single customized disposable 20-L Cellbag™ with a working volume of 10 L on a customized Wave Bioreactor platform (Wave Biotech, Bridgewater, NJ), the Xcellerate™ III Process has supplanted the 60-L static Xcellerate II Process that used 60 bags cultured in a standard incubator. Compared to the Xcellerate II™ Process, the Xcellerate III Process significantly reduces the overall labor, the number of culture containers, bag spikes, and sterile connections required, as well as reducing the process volume and the cost of goods, while more than quadrupling the final cell density and doubling the facility capacity. These process improvements are achieved without compromising final product composition or quality…

Biologics Production Manufacturing

Bioreactor productivities are highly dependent on the process used to cultivate mammalian cells. These productivities directly affect the manufacturing plant capacity, and thereby the economics of production of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). Historically, companies have chosen bioreactor process strategies that emphasize simplicity of scale-up at the expense of productivity, and conducted manufacturing using well-characterized and relatively straightforward batch processes. Such processes have successfully produced small or moderate quantities (ranging from ~100 g to ~ 1 kg per lot) of the desired antibody. Given the anticipated demand for large-scale quantities of MAbs (and the high stakes for the companies investing in these new biological entities), it is worthwhile to revisit these past selection strategies and see if — and under what conditions — they remain optimal today…

Biologics Production Manufacturing