Foreign substances, such as disease-causing viruses and other infectious agents are recognized by the body’s immune system as invaders. Parts of the spectrum of our defenses are antibodies that bind these antigens and direct their destruction by other elements of the immune system. Antibodies have two very useful characteristics. First, they are extremely specific; that is, each antibody binds to one particular antigen. Second, the body retains the memory of encounters with antigens, enabling it to reproduce an antibody response to a later attack by that that same agent or disease. These properties make it possible to develop vaccines. It is the first trait of antibodies, their specificity, which makes monoclonal antibody (MAb) technology so valuable. Not only can antibodies be used therapeutically, to protect against disease, they also can help diagnose a wide variety of illnesses and can detect the presence of infectious agents (including biological threat agent). The use of MAbs specific for biological warfare agents in fielded assays requires maintaining a high-quality and economical supply of these reagents…
Tag: <span>purification</span>
Monoclonal antibodies constitute a significant percentage of the protein-based therapeutic molecules currently in clinical trials. The broad applicability and proven commercial success for this class of molecules suggest a larger future market potential. The current biopharmaceutical manufacturing capacity is widely anticipated to be a rate-limiting factor in the growth of the biotech sector. Because antibody therapeutics represent such a large part of this market, and because the therapeutic dosages of antibodies tend to be greater than most biopharmaceuticals, there is an immediate need for novel antibody manufacturing approaches that deliver significantly greater productivity…
The baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) is one method utilized for the production of recombinant proteins, and typically works without significant difficulties. However, some proteins are produced in insoluble forms, and degradation can occur. This article will focus on this degradation issue, and present a method to stabilize a protease-sensitive protein that has been produced at the 40-liter scale…