On January 31, 2003, FDA under the leadership of Commissioner Dr. Mark McClellan, issued a report entitled “Improving Innovation in Medical Technology: Beyond 2002.” One of the goals described in this report is to “speed potentially important emerging technologies to the market by reducing regulatory uncertainty and increasing the predictability of product development.” The technology areas of cell therapy and gene therapy were specifically identified. This article highlights some of the challenges for manufacturers and regulators of these products and describes ongoing efforts at FDA — as well as opportunities to partner with FDA — to improve the product development process for cell therapy and gene therapy products…
Tag: <span>contaminant control</span>
Electron microscopy (EM) provides data for viral clearance studies, information on the presence and quantitation of endogenous retroviruses, and the detection and characterization of other potential contaminants. The technique is favored in this field because it is simple, reliable, and can give reliable quantitation for risk assessments. This article describes the main EM techniques currently used for testing cell cultures, culture supernatants, and bulk harvests. It also includes an in-depth description of a thin sectioning technique used to estimate virus titre in culture supernatants and bulk harvests…