by Kathleen Estes and Eric S. Langer
Volume 16, Issue 1 (Spring 2017)
Automation in bioprocessing was a keynote topic at the ISBioTech 4th Annual Fall Meeting (December 12–14, 2016) in Virginia Beach, VA. Automation is becoming increasingly critical as biomanufacturers seek to improve their production efficiency and critical risk analysis, and reduce errors. But despite recent improvements and innovations, the actual integration of devices, software, sensors, and production equipment remains a challenge. In BioPlan Associates’ recent analysis of capacity and production, we found that nearly 20% of the biopharma industry sees increasing productivity and efficiency as the #1 critical issue the industry needs to focus on today. And over two-thirds expect better control of their processes. An obvious way to achieve these goals is through automation…
Estes K, Langer ES. Trends in bioprocess automation: quality control and process analytical technology in high demand. BioProcess J, 2017; 16(1): 46–9.
Posted online May 8, 2017.