Single-use, disposable components offer many advantages in the manufacturing of biologics. They are clean and ready to use when supplied, which obviates the need for sterilization and decreases the requirement for services such as water for irrigation (WFI) systems and steam generators. Disposable components are not used for subsequent operations, eliminating the chance of cross contamination between process runs. Long lead times for equipment installation can be avoided because the need for stainless steel equipment is reduced or eliminated. Systems are less complex, therefore engineering requirements are also reduced. There is no need for clean-in-place (CIP) or steam-in-place (SIP) operations, along with the associated piping, valves, controls, or pressure rating of vessels. Moreover, the use of disposable components reduces the complexity of validation…
Tag: <span>scalability</span>
Process development is an investment. As with a personal retirement plan, the importance of making the investment is not in question, yet strategies for when, how much, and where to invest in process development vary significantly from company to company. For a personal retirement plan, the answers to these questions are straightforward: invest as early as you can and as much as you can, and take less risk the closer you get to retirement. This would also be sound advice for investing in process development (substituting “BLA filing” for “retirement”) were it not for two complicating factors. First, the majority of biotherapeutics that enter the clinic fail to make it to the market. This makes a large, early investment in process development less attractive. Second, there is extreme pressure to get into the clinic, and subsequently onto the market, as quickly as possible, minimizing the time available for process development…