Optimisation of Virus Stock Production and Cell Infection Conditions for Protein Expression

by Loïc Glez, Christophe Losberger, and Thierry Battle, PhD
Volume 3, Issue 1 (January/February 2004)

Variation of viral titre and recombinant product yields reported for the baculovirus expression vector system have been attributed to many specific infection variables. These include multiplicity of infection (MOI) and cell density at time of infection and time of harvest, as well as virus bank quality and efficiency. The MOI is defined as the number of plaque forming units (pfu) per cell that are added at the time of infection. Virus titre (pfu/ml) is determined by the plaque assay method. The MOI parameter is easily manipulated and may be important in optimising recombinant protein yields. Other sources of variation during both cell growth and viral infection phases may be responsible for the range of reported yields. Past studies in our laboratory compared the behaviour of cells infected with high and low MOI values, specifically regarding nutrient limitation and deprivation. In addition to these aspects, the quality of the virus bank may be an important factor which influences heterologous protein yields in the insect cell baculovirus system. Thus, production yields may be correlated to virus efficiency…

Glez L, Losberger C, Battle T. Optimisation of Virus Stock Production and Cell Infection Conditions for Protein Expression. BioProcess J, 2004; 3(1): 27-32.