Virus Safety Testing for the Next Generation of Biologics

by Daniel N. Galbraith, PhD
Volume 7, Issue 1 (Spring 2008)

Today, many if not all of the major pharmaceutical companies have specific budgets for large research and development pipelines for new biologics including vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, recombinant proteins and even gene therapy projects. In addition, small innovative companies are continually presenting us with novel treatment opportunities which hold great promise for the future. The reason for such huge optimism in the field of biologics is that there are now a number of “blockbuster” drugs for which the safety profile has been very successfully managed. This success has been achieved following a considerable amount of time and financial investment by both the innovators and the regulators…

Galbraith DN. Virus Safety Testing for the Next Generation of Biologics. BioProcess J, 2008; 7(1): 10-13.