The Intraocular Delivery of Neuroprotective Factors to the Retina Using Encapsulated Cell Technology

by Cahil McGovern, PhD, Sandy Sherman, Sue Mateus, William Tente, Mary Jane Dold, Anne Marie Bishop, and Weng Tao, MD, PhD
Volume 3, Issue 6 (November/December 2004)

Ophthalmic disorders are a group of diseases with a rapidly increasing frequency associated with an increase in the aged population. Patients with potentially blinding diseases have become one of the largest segments of the healthcare field, with more than 50 million patients in the United States alone. Their sight is threatened by diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy (DR), glaucoma, or retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Until recently, there were essentially no effective treatment options to halt the progression of chronic, potentially blinding diseases. Biotechnological advances have resulted in the development of a variety of promising new protein factors that, if delivered to diseased cells of the retina, hold promise for treatment by interrupting or reversing the disease process…

McGovern C, Sherman S, Mateus S, Tente W, Dold MJ, Bishop AM, Tao W. The Intraocular Delivery of Neuroprotective Factors to the Retina Using Encapsulated Cell Technology. BioProcess J, 2004; 3(6): 35-41.