by Mark I. Fitchmun, PhD, C. Lanio, B. Grimm, E. Prokopenko, J. Zhou, and S. Josephs
Volume 1, Issue 3 (Fall 2002)
Production of non-enveloped viruses generally requires a cell lysis procedure to liberate mature particles trapped within their host cells. The standard bench-scale practice of using freeze/thaw cycles is simple and effective, but heat transfer limitations restrict the technique to relatively small applications. Here we show that a ten-minute treatment with a dilute mixture of polysorbate-80 and tri-butyl phosphate effectively liberates adenovirus from host cells…
Fitchmun MI, Lanio C, Grimm B, Propopenko E, Zhou J, Josephs S. Chemical Cell Lysis for Large-Scale Adenoviral Vector Production. BioProcess J, 2002; 1(3): 36-40.